Through school nursing, essential and valuable contributions are made to the educational program as it strives to serve the needs of all children. It is the active and sincere efforts of home, school and community that will promote good personal healthy habits.
The purpose of school health services is to support the educational process within a comprehensive school health program. The school nurse acts as a specialist in the coordination of school health services which include: promotion of healthy decision-making, prevention of illness and injury, determination of the health status of students, provisions for early intervention and health screenings. School nurses also serve as health resources to the classroom teachers. In addition, they work closely with community and state agencies in the fields of health education and welfare. Please feel free to contact the nurse to discuss any health concern you may have.
Please see Health Office FAQ's and Forms below for more information.
Amanda Anderson RN BS
School Nurse MVVS
603.673.5141 ext. 3504
Fax 603.672.1924
[email protected]
Health Office FAQ's: